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The Corpus Analysis of the Use of Connectors in English Writing of Korean Undergraduates ×
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The Corpus Analysis of the Use of Connectors in English Writing of Korean Undergraduates
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The purpose of this presentation is to examine the use of connectors in English writing of Korean undergraduate students. Compared with intermediate or advanced level English writers in EFL contexts, not much has been explored in what beginning EFL writers tend to do in their writing. In this study, the authors aim to find out what types of connectors are most widely used (i.e., additive, causal/ resultative and sequential) by the beginning Korean writers of English and whether or not they are influenced by their L1 use. The participants will be 40 sophomores who are taking the pre-intermediate English writing course during the spring semester of 2016. As for the instruments, the questionnaire survey and the pre- and the post-tests on the use of the connectives by the students will be conducted. The participants are going to write 5 different kinds of paragraphs (i.e., definition, process, description, opinion, and narration) consisting of approximately 120 words in length respectively during the 15-week semester. Because the kinds of writing the beginning participants will produce are paragraphs not essays, it is expected that the use of connectors will be somewhat limited to certain kinds. The students' works will be analyzed in terms of the frequency of the connective use using AntCon. The results will shed light on pedagogical implications and suggestions for how to teach beginning writers the use of connectors more effectively.