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영화 대본 번역에 나타난 영어 불변화사 UP/OUT의 한국어 번역 전략 ×
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영화 대본 번역에 나타난 영어 불변화사 UP/OUT의 한국어 번역 전략
Key Words : Particles,UP/OUT,Translation strategies,Subtitle translation,Cognitive semantics
The purpose of this study is to analyze how particles of English are translated in Korean and discuss whether the results of the analysis are consistent with the cognitive semantic approach about English particles. First, UP and OUT were selected for the subjects of the study. Then, to obtain the most appropriate data for the purpose of the study, eight films were selected from the OTT platform Netflix and the text as data were collected by extracting subtitles. We examined the collected translation data, investigated what translation strategies the English particles and phrasal verbs in the data were translated through, and produced statistics. Finally, we confirmed that the results of the analysis support cognitive semantic view on English particles that particles in phrasal verbs are not arbitrary, and we made a brief generalization of the results of the analysis.scale.